Saying No To Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder; As a person with BPD, it’s not easy being around other people. You might feel that everyone has an annoying way of saying things or that they just don’t understand what you’re going through. And, if you’re feeling extra overwhelmed, you might even start to wonder whether it would be better if no one tried to understand you and just left you be. That is why we have written this post on how to say no to someone with Borderline Personality Disorder. So let’s get to it!
How To Saying No To Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder?
What is saying no?
Saying no is the ability to say “no” to people and things that you don’t feel like doing. You might feel super pressured to do things that you don’t really want to do, or you might be just too busy to spend time with certain people. However, people with BPD often feel as though they’re constantly expected to do things that they don’t want to do, and they feel that they don’t have any control over their own lives. So, now that you know what saying no is, let’s find out why it can be so hard to say no to a person with BPD.
Why is it so hard to say no to a person with BPD?
Before we get into why it is so hard to say no to a person with BPD, let’s first find out why it can be hard to say no to people in general. When you’re in a relationship with someone, you usually do things with them because you want to spend time with them. And, when you get a chance to do those things with that person, you probably feel really happy about it. However, when that person constantly pressures you to do things, you might start to feel like you don’t have any control over your own life.
This pressure can be really frustrating and exhausting. And, when you’re in this kind of pressure, it’s easier to just give in and do what that person wants you to do. So, if you’re someone who doesn’t like feeling like they don’t have any control over their own lives, it can be really hard to say no to someone.

Be logical when saying no to someone with BPD
When someone with Borderline Personality Disorder tries to ask you to do something, it might feel super emotional for you to say “no” to them. Maybe you feel like you have to say “yes” to them, or you might feel that you have to say “no” to them because of your own values. However, these things might not make any logical sense to you. And, when you don’t have any logic behind your “no,” it can be really hard to express this to someone.
This logic might not exist in the person’s head, so they might not be able to understand why you’re saying “no” to them. But that’s not the most important thing right now. The most important thing is that you are being logical when saying no to a person with BPD. So, let’s find out more about this.
Don’t always agree with them
When a person with Borderline Personality Disorder pressures you to do things, they might imply that you should agree with them. Like, they might say something like “you always say yes to me, so why don’t you say ‘yes’ to me now?” So, now that you know that you don’t always have to agree with them, let’s find out why you shouldn’t always agree with them.
When you agree with a person with BPD, you might be implying that you understand them and that you understand why they’re doing what they’re doing. And, this might lead you to feel that you understand them more than you actually do. This might make it harder for you to understand why they’re doing what they’re doing. So, when you agree with them, you might be closing your eyes to some of the things that they’re doing.
Help them see the good in what they do
When a person with BPD pressures you to do something, they might imply that you should also compliment them for what they do. Like, they might say something like “why don’t you compliment me for what I just did?” So, now that you know not to always compliment them, let’s find out why you shouldn’t help them see the good in what they do.
When you help a person with BPD see the good in what they do, you might imply that you understand them and that you see why they do what they do. And, this might make you feel as though you understand them more than you actually do. This might make it harder for you to understand what they’re going through. So, when you help them see the good in what they do, you might be closing your eyes to some of the things that they’re doing.
Let people know that you need time alone
Some people might try to pressure you into spending time with them when you want to spend time alone. This might happen if the person with Borderline Personality Disorder is close to you. So, let’s find out how you should let people know that you need time alone. When you need time alone, you might feel like you need to tell someone that you need some time alone.
You might even feel like you need to tell your closest friend or your partner with BPD. But, you don’t need to tell anyone that you need some time alone. You just need to tell them that you need some time alone. So, if you need some time alone, you just need to tell someone that you need some time alone. This might even be you, or it might be someone else. Or, it might be a third person.
People with BPD often feel as though they don’t have any control over their lives. When this happens, they might try to pressure you into doing things that you don’t really want to do. This can be really frustrating, because you might feel like you don’t have any control over your own lives.
So, when people do this to you, it can be really hard to express this to them. But, you don’t have to put up with pressure when someone tries to put you into a corner. You can stand your ground and say “no” to them. This might be harder than saying “yes,” but it’s better than feeling like you have no control over your own lives.
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