Integrity Physical Therapy – Review

Integrity Physical Therapy provides Physical Therapy services to patients in southern New Jersey. They have multiple locations and accept most insurance plans. They also offer a variety of treatment options.

This article will provide information about the types of treatments offered by Integrity Physical Therapy. We’ll also discuss where the clinics are located and what insurance they accept.

Treatments provided by Integrity Physical Therapy

Integrity Physical Therapy offers a comprehensive list of services for patients seeking therapy for a variety of conditions. The company is led by a team of experienced professionals with more than 125 years of combined experience in the field.

The leadership team includes licensed therapists who have led their own physical therapy clinics. This team is committed to enhancing physical therapy services and maximizing patient care outcomes.

With the help of his patients, Sam Wilson dissects injuries in order to create customized treatment plans. Integrity Physical Therapy is committed to returning patients to normal activities and jobs as soon as possible. It offers several types of physical therapy to address the underlying causes of different conditions.

Locations in southern New Jersey

Integrity physical therapy and wellness, which operates four locations in southern New Jersey, has recently been acquired by JAG-ONE Physical Therapy. JAG-ONE is a leading provider of outpatient orthopedic physical therapy services in New Jersey. The company boasts 82 locations throughout the state.

Integrity Physical Therapy and Wellness is dedicated to treating patients with a variety of conditions. Their certified physical therapists address issues with joint motion and muscle strength, heart and lung function, and other aspects of daily living.

NPI number for Integrity Physical Therapy Wellness Clinic

The NPI number for Integrity Physical Therapy Wellness clinic is a 10-digit identification number that identifies the provider’s identity to Medicare. This number is necessary for all electronic transactions and claims submitted to payers. In addition, the number is required by most health insurance plans.

The clinic’s NPI number can be obtained from the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). The NPI record is available to anyone under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) of the United States Code.

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Integrity physical therapy

Accepting most insurances

Integrity physical therapy accepts most insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid. However, these two health care plans have different rules and regulations regarding how providers bill them.

As a result, Medicare and Medicaid coverage may not be the same for everyone. It is best to check your specific coverage policies before scheduling an appointment.

While some insurance plans may cover physical therapy in full, others only cover a portion. For this reason, check with your insurance provider before scheduling a physical therapy appointment.

For instance, Blue Cross may cover only part of the physical therapy visit; you may have to pay the rest yourself. Also, keep in mind that some insurance companies classify physical therapists as specialists, so you may need to provide a referral from your primary care provider.

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