What is Neuromuscular Therapy?

Neuromuscular therapy is a science-based approach to pain management. Your therapist will first assess your body’s anatomy to determine where the pain originates. They may try several different areas before finding a trigger point.

Neuromuscular therapists also use a technique called positional release, also known as strain-counter strain, to release tense muscles. This technique works by holding a muscle in a relaxed position for a few seconds.

Techniques used in neuromuscular massage therapy

Neuromuscular massage therapy is an advanced technique that focuses on the interrelationship of different body parts, including muscles and the nervous system. Training for this type of massage therapy is available from the Praxis Institute and is awarded by the prestigious International Academy of Neuromuscular Therapies. The therapist uses techniques such as muscle testing, postural analysis, and other assessment tools to help determine the cause of pain.

Neuro massage therapy focuses on identifying trigger points, which are highly irritated areas in the muscles. It also involves stretching or lengthening the muscle, which helps break down trigger points. Neuromuscular massage is also useful in reducing muscle tension. By pinpointing the exact location of the pain, the therapist can assess the patient’s overall condition.

Targets of treatment

Neuromuscular therapy involves the use of a variety of physical therapies to address specific muscle and nerve-related concerns. These therapies help patients maintain their normal daily activities and maximize their physical function.

Additionally, they can help reduce the risk of relapse. The goals of neuromuscular therapy vary depending on the individual’s needs.

The technique can help relieve acute musculoskeletal pain caused by muscle spasms. It also promotes improved circulation and posture. It can also restore lost flexibility and strength. It may also help patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain by restoring ease of movement.

Side effects of treatment

Neuromuscular therapy can be helpful for people suffering from chronic pain. It works by releasing muscle adhesions and trigger points, which are common after repetitive movement or trauma. It also targets surrounding muscles and their specific area.

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